Wednesday, 1 March 2017


(Certificate in Local Council Administration)

This is a four-session course delivered by Kim Bedford FILCM
·       Session 1 - Wed       26 April 2017  9:30 to 1:30 (lunch included)

·       Session 2 - Monday 26 June 2017  9:30 to 1:30 (bring own lunch)*

·       Session 3 - Monday 4 Sept 2017    9:30 to 1:30 (bring own lunch)*

·       Session 4  -Monday 6 Nov 2017     9:30 to 1:30 (bring own lunch)*
                                                      *hot and cold drinks provided

Where?:     The Calcot Centre, Reading RG31 4XD

Who Should Attend: The course is ideal for anyone wanting to undertake the Certificate in Local Council Administration (CiLCA) who already has some foundation and understanding of Local Councils and the work involved.  This isn't intended to be a training course for clerks.  It is aimed at CiLCA candidates only.

The course is split into four sessions, spaced apart, allowing time for delegates to get started on the different units of CiLCA Portfolio Guide.  All students will receive a brief in advance to prepare for the next Tutorial.
  • What is required to complete the Portfolio
  • Understanding the Learning Outcomes
  • Covering Each Unit
  • An Opportunity to network with others completing CiLCA
  • Targets to keep you on track
  • Briefings from the trainer on what to do next
  • Knowing there is support available
A CiLCA qualified Clerk will help towards their Council gaining the General Power of Competence and achieving a Quality or Quality Gold Local Council Award (formerly known as Quality Status)

Cost:  For the Supportive Training Course will be dependent on the take up and if say ten delegates sign up then the cost per delegate would be in the region of £220.00 for the four day course (which is in line with other providers nationally).   This will be in addition to The CiLCA Administrative/registration fee to SLCC of £250.00 (see also information below) Please do not register for the CiLCA Course with SLCC until after your first training session.

Please contact Jayne at BALC before Friday 31 March 2017 to register your interest or for more information. 

FAQ and Further Information:
·       CiLCA (Certificate in Local Council Administration)
The Certificate in Local Council Administration (CiLCA) is the recognised qualification demonstrating the competence of a Parish Clerk.

·       What is CiLCA? CiLCA is like an 'A' level (a level 3 qualification) tailored for the officers of local councils.

·       Why should you take CiLCA? CiLCA  helps you to become more aware of the law and procedures for local Councils, it checks that you can manage the council's activities, its finances and community engagement

·       A CiLCA qualified Clerk is essential for a Council to gain both the General Power of Competence and Quality or Quality Gold level for the Local Council Award (previously Quality Council Scheme).

·       How does CiLCA Work? To prepare for CiLCA you attend training managed by trained trainers.  This provides both the knowledge and guidance on completing the tasks to be assessed.   You put together a portfolio of work for 30 activities to demonstrate you know, understand and can do what is expected to pass.  There are five units covering the five themes:

·       To gain the CiLCA qualification, a portfolio of evidence is submitted, showing knowledge and understanding of all aspects of the Local Council sector.  
1.     Core Roles in Local Council Administration.
2.     Law & Procedure for Local Councils
3.     Finance for Local Councils
4.     Management for Local Councils
5.     Community Engagement

·       How long does CiLCA take?  
     It may take between six months and a year (the maximum time limit) to complete CiLCA

·       How much does it cost?
·      The Registration Fee for taking CiLCA is £250 plus charges for training/mentoring from your training provider (BALC - see above)

·       How can the Council help? 
     Pay all the costs.  The investment is rewarded from the outset.

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