Friday 1 August 2014

Free offer of a place at NALC conference in Bristol, 18th September

BALC has two FREE  places available at the NALC Making Localism Work Conference in Bristol, Thursday 18th September. This is a saving of £120 +VAT

The offer is open to small councils (less than 6,000 electors) who have never been to a NALC conference before, the only catch is that BALC would like a report from you on what you have learnt by attending.

There are planned workshops on:
  • Community Rights
  • Finding Funding
  • Economic Development
  • Neighbourhood Planning
  • Local Government Finance
  • Employment contracts
  • Forward planning 
  • Partnership devolution
The speakers are from DCLG, NALC and other experts,  also Stephen Williams MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government.

Details on the NALC website here

If your council would like one of the free places please email BALC as soon as possible, closing date for applications 11th September

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