Friday 1 August 2014

DCLG consulting on altering deadlines and criteria for neighbourhood plans and other planning rules

DCLG are seeking views on neighbourhood planning proposals which will:
  • scrap the 6 week consultation and publicity period before a draft neighbourhood plan is submitted for examination
  • local authorities must respond within a statutory time limit of 70 days as whether they will designate an applied for neighbourhood plan area
  • scrap requirement that the neighbourhood plan complies with EU environmental rules, replace it with a statement/environmental report, screening opinion or explanation why the plan does not require either of them
  • a new statutory requirement to test the extent of the consultation undertaken during the preparation of the NDP, Neighbourhood Development Order or Community Right to build Order 
  • a requirement that landowners of allocated sites are consulted in a draft neighbourhood plan
The rest of the consultation concerns:
  • proposals to expand permitted development rights,
  • four proposals to improve the use of planning conditions and enable development to start more quickly on site after planning permission is granted.
  • improving engagement with statutory consultees 
  • proposals to raise the environmental impact assessment screening thresholds for industrial estate and urban development projects 
  • proposals for making improvements to the nationally significant infrastructure planning regime
 The consultation is here on the DCLG website, they are seeking online responses.

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