Wednesday 27 August 2014

Book your place at NALC ‘Future Local’ Conference

NALC’s Larger Councils’ Conference and Exhibition 2014 ‘Future Local’ is a one-day conference looking at how larger local (parish and town) councils will look in the future in terms of putting communities in control of local facilities, delivering local services and providing influence over decision making.

Our 'Future Local' conference will provide the perfect opportunity to learn, share and network.

Plenary, practical and interactive workshop themes will include:

  • The Rt Hon Oliver Letwin MP, confirmed as plenary speaker
  • Our Place! Programme;
  • Neighbourhood Planning;
  • General Power of Competence;
  • Community Cohesion; &
  • Sharing practice and informing NALC’s work.
Wednesday 3rd December, Galleon Suites, Royal National Hotel, London WC1H 0DG

Book via this link
or go to the NALC website for more information

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