Thursday, 9 January 2014

Quality Council Scheme Review - update from NALC Chairman

Dear Colleagues,

I am writing in my capacity as Chairman of the National Stakeholders to the Quality Council Scheme [1].

At our recent meeting the stakeholders discussed feedback from county associations (staff and members) and county accreditation panel members on the proposals for a revised quality scheme. I therefore wanted to let you know how we will be taking your feedback into account and how this will affect the timetable for the review and launch of the new scheme.

Overall, the responses confirmed that there is an appetite for a sector-led scheme in most counties and that a majority of respondents were enthused by the idea of making bold changes to the way the scheme looks and is managed.

Many responses presented new ideas for tackling some of the issues raised by the consultation or highlighted concerns about the effects of specific proposals and presented alternative suggestions. The stakeholders therefore agreed that the original timetable, which proposed a launch in autumn 2013, should be extended to allow more time to address and draw on this feedback with the aim of strengthening proposals for a scheme which is accessible to a greater number of councils.

The stakeholders also recognise that, following the agreement of proposals to establish a new Improvement & Development Board (IDB) which will oversee sector improvement including the new quality scheme, the role of the stakeholder group as it is currently formed is coming to an end. They have therefore agreed that the final draft of proposals for the new scheme should be considered by the IDB, which is due to hold its first meeting on 15th January 2014. This will mean that the new scheme will benefit from the improved and strengthened mechanisms for consultation which are built into the way the IDB will operate.

As Tamsin Hewett, NALC Improvement & Development Manager, will be leaving us at Christmas there will be some delay in producing a final draft of proposals for a new scheme. I would like to reassure you, however, that I am looking into alternative arrangements for producing revised proposals and we are still hoping to share the details of the new scheme with the sector in early 2014, with briefings for county associations and accreditation panels taking place before a formal launch in advance of the 2014 elections. We will be publicising a more detailed timetable in due course.

Thank you again to all of you who have contributed to the review of the scheme at any stage: I have no doubt that the time and thought that has gone into your contributions will be vital in helping us to shape a dynamic and successful new scheme which will raise the profile, credibility and quality of our councils.

With kind regards

Councillor Ken Browse

Chairman of the National Stakeholders to the Quality Council Scheme

Chairman, NALC

[1] The national stakeholders are: the National Association of Local Councils, the Society of Local Council Clerks, the Department for Communities and Local Government, the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and the Local Government Association.

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