Thursday, 9 January 2014

Job advert - new CEO for NALC

Following the resignation of John Findlay, NALC are advertising for a new CEO.

The CEO is expected to have gained senior management experience leading a member organisation of similar comparable complexity. 
The post holder will be responsible to the Chairman and Council and will provide leadership to NALC in a changing political environment, delivering value for money in terms of service.

The requires are that he/she will
  • Manage the Association on a day to day basis and ensure the effectiveness of the Association in meeting the Council’s objectives in a changing political background;
  • Promote and represent the Association and local council sector with government and other stakeholders in the community and nationally;
  • Manage service delivery and ensure the provision of clear, regular, effective and timely communication with the National Council, County Associations of Local Councils and member councils (CALC’s) ;
In particular the CEO will:
  • Work closely with CALCs in delivering quality and timely service deliver to Local Councils
  • Ensure the continued growth and development of the sector and its standing and profile in the national political environment;
  • Deliver an increase in business related activity to boost income and maximise the commercial potential of the Association;
  • Working with National Council to develop strategies which will result in tangible improvements to the sector and ensure their delivery;
  • Provide the leadership needed by the Council to manage the organisation and develop a culture which supports the values of the sector in all aspects of its business;
  • Be an ambassador for the Association with national, regional and local bodies; be knowledgeable and aware of local issues, and recognise the sector’s role in the local community;
Enquiries about the role should be directed to, Caroline Green at or telephone her on 0121 647 1100.

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