Wednesday 12 August 2015

Neighbourhoods, not just cities, need more powers

NALC write in DIS

"Pursuing the devolution agenda completely on a model of city-based deals could mean that local empowerment and neighbourhood-level devolution get “missed out”.

Lord Kerslake, the former permanent secretary at the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) and now crossbench peer who is chairing a far-reaching inquiry into decentralisation and devolution, said that the path towards a more devolved Britain will be “immensely challenging”.

He agreed there is value in the current city deal-based model, but said: “There is, perhaps, some risk that if this is all done as city-based deals that the local empowerment and neighbourhood level of devolution gets missed out.

“We have to find ways of empowering local communities as well as empowering cities.”
The All-Party Parliamentary Group for Reform, Decentralisation and Devolution’s inquiry panel will consider written evidence in October and oversee oral evidence sessions in the autumn."

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