Friday 7 August 2015

Council tax statistics for town and parish councils

 DCLG has published 
"Council tax statistics for town and parish councils: 2015/16 England".

Some of the key statistics include:
  • The average Band D precept is £54.12, an increase of £1.75 (or 3.3%) on 2014/15
  • Total value of precepts is £409 million, 1.7% of the overall council tax requirement for England of £24.7 billion, £20 million more than in 2014/15 (£389 million)
  • Over a third of parishes (36.7%) had a freeze or a reduction in their precept, just over a quarter of parishes (2,309) had an increase of less than £1, while 62 parishes (0.001%) more than doubled their precept.
The full report can be found here.

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