Friday 24 April 2015

Transparency Code - does you council need a new website?

Small councils that haven't got a website may be interested in two companies which are offering their services to councils. 
The Transparency Code requires councils (with an annual turnover not exceeding £25,000)
to publish on their website:
  • all items of expenditure above £100
  • end of year accounts
  • annual governance statement
  • internal audit report
  • list of councillor or member responsibilities
  • the details of public land and building assets
  • Minutes,agendas and meeting papers of formal meetings.
Please have a look at your website. Can a member of the public find your agendas and minutes in no more than two clicks or three at most? If council information is buried among the cricket club and the church perhaps you need to be rethinking your website. 

BALC has been approached by two companies offering their services:   this company offers to develop a site for free, building on the ethos of connecting communities.

Adam Curtis this link takes you to an example website developed by Adam Curtis :  07944 390923

BALC does not endorse either of these companies but hope you may find the information useful

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