Thursday, 9 April 2015


From the NALC website

The National Association of Local Councils (NALC) has secured a multi-million pound package of funding from Government to help smaller parish councils meet new audit and transparency rules.

As one of several important decisions this week affecting town and parish councils, the Government has confirmed a £4.7m Transparency Fund to support small parish councils and other smaller authorities to become web-enabled and compliant with the Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities. This funding programme will be delivered through NALC and is planned to be available from April 2015 for a three-year period, delivered on a county basis by county associations of local councils and targeting local needs.

Support, training and guidance will be made available to assist parish councils, internal drainage boards, charter trustees and port health authorities who spend less than £25,000 a year to move to online publishing of financial and other information, ensuring these bodies are transparent and accountable to their local communities and up-to-speed in the digital age……”

The full article is here. When we have more details from NALC we will let you know.

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