Thursday, 26 February 2015

NALC Council of the week - are you doing something innovative?

NALC has a feature on the front page of its website  called -  Council of the Week. So far it has featured 12 councils with a great mix of achievements and stories. Two of those featured councils came from Berkshire - Wokingham and Thatcham Town Councils, of which BALC is very proud.

BALC is looking for more innovative and dynamic councils from Berkshire to nominate as Council of the Week.

If you would like to nominate your council please could you send to BALC:
  • 400-500 words with clear examples of good, innovative practice
  • photographs that are representative of the town / village in some way or of the particular project that you want to highlight
This is your opportunity to be famous for a week.

Each council must surely have project they are proud of, perhaps you are doing something different or innovative, perhaps using the General Power of Competence in an imaginative way? 

Please send your words and photos to

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