Thursday 26 February 2015

February HR briefing - sickness absence

Further to last month’s review of Sick Pay arrangements for council employees this month we are taking a look at managing the absence itself – employee rights, employer obligations and how a council can manage absence.
  • Why is Sickness Absence such a concern in local councils?
  • What measures can a council adopt to manage sickness absence?
  • How can we get a medical opinion?
  • When might absence lead to a misconduct disciplinary action?
  • When might absence lead to a capability process?
  • Can an employee be dismissed under a Capability Procedure?
  • What about equality legislation relating to disability rights?
  • What other measures can be adopted to support attendance at work?
For more information take a look at: guidance: and Safety Executive guidance:
The new Government-backed Occupational Health service (more information to follow before April 2015 launch) 

The full briefing is on the BALC website here

Prepared by Bethan Osborne, Employment and HR Consultant to Berkshire Association of Local Councils - February 2015

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