Friday 17 October 2014

Future Local - NALC Larger Councils Conference 3rd December

Future Local 

NALC Larger Councils Conference

at Galleon Suites, Royal National Hotel, London, WC1H ODG

Minister for Government Policy Oliver Letwin MP; Liberal Parliamentary Party Chairman Annette Brooke MP and Labour’s Policy Review Chief Jon Cruddas MP (invited) will give keynote speeches on devolution, localism and local government at NALC's conference for larger councils on Wednesday 3rd December 2014 in London.

'Future Local' is a one-day conference exploring the current and future role of larger local (town and parish) councils in putting communities in control of local facilities, delivering local services and providing influence over decision making, providing the perfect opportunity to learn, share and network.

Plenary and workshop sessions include:

• The road to 2015: what are the Labour, Lib Dem and Conservative policies on town and parish councils?
• How to shape the future of your area through strategic and neighbourhood plans
• Using the Our Place! approach to bring partners together to improve public services
• Town councils driving regeneration and local economic development
• Beyond bricks and mortar: how to build community cohesion
• Inaugural meeting of the super councils network

More information here

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