Friday 12 September 2014

Sussex parish Community Right to Build Orders proceed to referendum

Three development orders brought forward by Ferring parish council have become some of the first to pass examination and be recommended for referendum under the UK government's Community Right to Build scheme.

Lawyers Pinsent -Masons report that

The Community Right to Build was introduced by the UK government following the Localism Act in 2011. It allows communities to group together to draft Community Right to Build Orders (CRTBOs), proposing development projects that will benefit the local community. If approved by an examiner and by 50% of people voting in a local referendum, CRTBOs can be used to circumvent the need for planning permission for the development described within them.

Ferring Parish Council submitted three CRTBOs to Arun District Council alongside the emerging neighbourhood plan for the parish in April. The orders provided detailed proposals for three sites allocated for development in the neighbourhood plan. Arun District Council gave its support for the orders and for the neighbourhood plan and appointed independent examiner Clare Wright to examine them.

More on the story here

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