Friday 26 September 2014

Review of Quality Council Scheme

The Quality Council Award scheme has been the subject of a long ongoing review. We are still not quite there yet. Preliminary details of the proposed scheme which will be piloted in the coming months are available. Subject to feedback from the pilots the scheme will be launched in January 2015.

Councils can apply for an award at one of three levels.

  • The Foundation Award demonstrates that a council meets the minimum requirements for operating lawfully and according to standard practice.
  • The Quality Award demonstrates that a council achieves good practice in governance, community engagement and council improvement.
  • The Quality Gold Award demonstrates that a council is at the forefront of best practice and achieves excellence in governance, community leadership and council development.
More details of the proposed scheme are here in the Quality Council section of this website. The scheme will be renamed as the Local Council Award Scheme with a new logo. 

What this space!

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