Friday 27 June 2014

Hampshire ALC training event - exploring finance, funding, openness and transparency

Exploring Finance and Funding, Openness and Transparency Issues in Our Sector

24th and 25th September 2014 - £195 (to include Dinner, Bed & Breakfast)

Holiday Inn London, Heathrow – Ariel, 118 Bath Road, Hayes, Middlesex, UB3 5AJ

The programme covers: 
24th September 2014
  •  Framing Issues across the Sector with Q&A            Dr. Jonathan Owen, CE NALC
  •  Localism and Local Government post-Election 2015?    Daniel Goodwin, Senior Associate Fellow, Institute of Local Government, Uni of B’ham       
  • Openness and Transparency & Dealing with Recording in Meetings – Dealing with Regulations,  Ian Davison, Hedley’s Solicitors
  • Governance and Accountability (2014), A Practitioner’s Guide, Steve Parkinson, Chairman national JPAG
There will be the opportunity for informal surgeries  with current proposed topics of Social Media & Marketing for Local Councils (includes a delegates ‘special offer’), and Finding Project Funding.  Additionally there is the opportunity for delegate networking.

Outline Programme 25th September 2014

  • Practical Sector Finance with Q&A         Kevin Rose, DCK Beavers    
  • Crowdfunding and Community Shares: Possibilities for the Sector, Steven Lugg, Hampshire ALC      
  • Reflections on Finance and Governance Regulations        James Kingston, DCLG
Booking details from Hampshire Association of Local Councils

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