Thursday 29 May 2014

L01-14 NALC briefing on Transparency Code for councils with income or exp. over £200,000

New NALC Legal briefing L01-14 Local Government Transparency Code for parish councils with a gross annual income or expenditure exceeding £200,000 


The Local Government Transparency Code was published by DCLG on 1st May 2014.

The new Code sets out the recommended minimum requirements for the publication of information by parish councils if their annual income or expenditure is over £200,000. 

Part 2 recommends publication of certain information quarterly (expenditure over £500) and other information annually (grants, staff organisation charts, parking spaces, salaries over £50,000) in a format that allows open re-use. 

Part 3 recommends that the councils to which it applies go further than the minimum requirements and publish monthly rather than quarterly or ideally in real time.

NALC recommends that councils observe the code although it is not mandatory. 

The legal briefing is on this website under the NALC briefings tab, then in the Legal Briefings section. It is important that parish councils affected by the new Code read it in full. The Code and answers to frequently asked questions are available here.

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