Notice of a Community Governance Review
Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007
In the light of the response to the first stage of the consultation a further consultation will be carried out with electors and other interested parties to gauge their views on the future of Britwell and Wexham Court Parish Councils. This will include an advisory poll.
Pending any decision on the future of Britwell Parish Council, the Council is recommending changes to the Britwell parish boundaries (as shown on a map which may be inspected on the Borough Council’s website) and a corresponding reduction in the size of the Parish Council to seven councillors.
It is also recommending that the term of office of the existing parish councillors be reduced by one year from 2015 to 2014 in order to bring these changes into effect from May 2014, and that newly elected councillors serve a five year term of office initially and then revert to the traditional four year term.
The Council has published further information on its recommendations which can be obtained by visiting the Council’s website at governance review or by request to the Council’s offices.
The Council welcomes representations from any residents and interested organisations who may wish to comment on the Council’s recommendations or on any other aspect of the matters under review.
How to contact us
If you would like to make representations please write to:
Review Manager, Community Governance Review, Democratic Services, Slough Borough Council, St Martin’s Place, 51 Bath Road, Slough, Berkshire SL1 3UF
Alternatively you may make representations by completing the online form on the Council’s website or by email to:
The deadline for receipt of representations is 14 October 2013
Dated 9th August 2013
Catherine Meek
Head of Democratic Services
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