Thursday, 15 August 2013

New Cilca section 20 Planning to be introduced from 1st November

NALC/NTS are proposing to introduce a revised section 20, Planning, from 1st November 2013 after which CiLCA will be known as CiLCA 2013. After this date new submissions with the old section 20 will no longer be accepted and any candidates who are required to re-sit section 20 will also have to submit the new version. Submissions or re-sits with the new section 20 will be accepted from 1st October 2013.

A new portfolio guide incorporating the new section 20 will be available electronically on the NALC and SLCC websites from the beginning of October at the latest.

SLCC will be writing formally to candidates who have registered but not submitted, and those who are due to resubmit, in mid-September to let them know of the 1st November deadline.

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