Wednesday 23 September 2015

Council complaints policy

Parish Council complaints policy

When did you last review your councils Complaints Policy? Is it up to date? One would hope that your council will never need to refer to its complaints policy but, like Standing Orders, it is there should the occasion arise. 

A good complaints system is: 
• well publicised, easily accessible and easy to use
• helpful and receptive 
• not adversarial 
• fair and objective
• based on clear procedures and defined responsibilities
• thorough, rigorous and consistent 
• decisive and capable of putting things right where necessary 
• sensitive to the special needs and circumstances of the complainant 
• adequately resourced 
• fully supported by councillors and officers 
• provides responses that are proportionate, one size does not fit all 
• timely and 
• regularly analysed to spot patterns of complaint and lessons for service improvement.

NALC has a Legal Topic Note  (9E) in the Members Area of its website on how to handle complaints. (If you are a member of BALC you will have a username and password to access the NALC Members Area). 

Remember the Office of the Local Government Ombudsman does not cover town and parish councils.

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