Thursday 5 March 2015

NALC announce new Star Councils awards 2015

The National Association of Local Councils (NALC) has a rich history of running awards, so we’re pleased to see that this year, they have announced a scheme with a wide variety of award categories with a ceremony taking place in October.

The NALC Star Councils awards are set to be one of the biggest events in the town and parish council calendar in 2015.  They are a fantastic opportunity to recognise and celebrate the achievements of member councils and county associations (CALCs)  – both within and outside of the sector.

It is easy for the work of local councils, councillors and staff to be under appreciated, so we are delighted that NALC will be highlighting and publicising the important role that local councils play - and the power and influence that they have on communities across the county.


Individual achievement

1. Young Councillor of the Year (Aged 18-30)
2. Clerk of the Year
3. Councillor of the Year
4. Chair of the Year                                   
5. Council Worker of the Year

Specific Achievement

6. Digital Communications of the Year
7. CALC outstanding project of the Year
8. Local Council outstanding project of the Year
9. Council of the Year

Please make sure that the work of your council and its staff is recognized, by getting your nominations in to by 30th June 2015.

Further information and nomination guide

The Star Councils awards ceremony will be held in conjunction with the NALC AGM in London at the end of October and details of the event will be publicised at a later date.                                      

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