Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014 – this means filming, blogging and tweeting of your council meeting
The Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG) will shortly be issuing a revised Plain English Guide to the Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014 to coincide with the implementation of these Regulations at the end of July/first week in August. The Draft Guide is here. DCLG has sought to regularise what it sees as an anomaly in that reporting was allowed in the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Access to Information) (England) Regulations of 2012 for local authorities with executive arrangements which excluded town and parish councils. DCLG view this as a logical extension of open and transparent democracy.
These Regulations introduce two important requirements:
• Allowing people to film, blog, tweet or use other types of social media to report on council meetings; and the
• Recording of delegated decisions made by officers under instruction of the council.
The regulations were not put out for general consultation, bodies such as Local Government Association, NALC, Society of Local Council Chief Executives (SOLACE) and Lawyers in Local Government (LLG) were asked for their observations. The responses were not entirely in favour. The Local Government Association opposed them and commented that “the Government’s approach, as set out in the draft Regulations, appears completely contrary to the principles of Localism and is in fact micro-management of the sector.” NALC and OALC while supporting open democracy believe that both aspects of the Regulations may impose significant burdens on small parish councils and could inhibit councillors and the public speaking if they believe they will be filmed. One of the main concerns is the potential for malicious editing and therefore misrepresentation.
We understand that DCLG has not been persuaded by these concerns. The Explanatory Memorandum, holds to the belief that “localism requires robust local scrutiny and local accountability”, and that “allowing the public to attend and report meetings promotes healthy democracy and should not be seen as an intrusion [which does not create] burdens on the councils or local government bodies.”
Briefing – book your place now.
We are waiting for a briefing from NALC on this but in the meantime BALC and Oxfordshire Association of Local Councils have taken the initiative and organised a morning briefing from Liz Howlett on Thursday 2nd October. This will be at Didcot, Civic Hall, 9.30-12.30pm cost £35 + VAT per member council delegate. Booking forms and details have been sent to all member council clerks.
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