Wednesday 23 April 2014

Third Neighbourhood Plan designation for Wokingham Borough

Sarah Hollamby, Head of Development Policy and Planning, (third from left) receives the joint Arborfield and Newland and Barkham Parish Councils' Neighbourhood Plan area application from Pam Stubbs, chairman of Barkham Parish Council.
Arborfield and Newland and Barkham Parish Councils have submitted a Neighbourhood Area application  to Wokingham Borough which shows that they intend to work together to prepare a Neighbourhood Development Plan for the entire area of both parishes. As part of the application, the parish councils have submitted a proposed boundary for the Neighbourhood Development Plan area and a supporting statement.

Shinfield  Parish Council have made substantial progress with their plan. 

In West Berkshire Stratfield Mortimer Parish Council has also applied to have their parish designated for a Neighbourhood Development Plan.

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