Wednesday 20 November 2013

NALC Larger Councils Conference 27th November - last chance to book

 Last chance to book..... 

With less than two weeks until NALC's Growing Local Conference, it’s time to book the last few delegate places.

Nick Boles MP, minister, department of Communities and Local Government is our headline speaker. He has very strong views on the role of local (parish and town) councils especially around planning and the local economy. Here is your chance to directly influence Government's thinking and policy direction.

Other keynote speakers include:

• Cllr Sir Merrick Cockell, chair of the Local Government Association 

• John Findlay, chief executive of NALC 
• Howard Midworth, chief executive of the Society of Local Council Clerks 
• Michael Burton, editorial director of The MJ

There is a choice of a number of interesting workshop themes including:

• Neighbourhood Planning
• Community Infrastructure Levy
• Localisation of Council Tax Support
• Data transparency

See the events section of the BALC website for more information.


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