Thursday 13 June 2013

NALC promotes its policy achievements

The National Association of Local Councils recently published and uploaded a document summarising its main policy achievements over recent months: 
The document also highlights how these recent policy achievements benefit member councils of the County and National Associations, as well as the wider local councils’ sector nationally.

Some of the National Association’s main policy achievements of recent months can be summarised below:

  • Securing the extension of the right to directly propose under the Sustainable Communities Act, 2007 to local councils;
  •  NALC becoming parish Selector under the Sustainable Communities Act, 2007;
  • Securing further exemption for 2013-14 for local councils from Excessive Council Tax referenda;
  • Gaining the right for parishes who wish to be informed of Major Infrastructure Planning applications in their areas – to be notified of such cases – under the Growth and Infrastructure Act, 2013;
  • Gaining the right for parishes who register relevant interests – to be notified of village green registration applications in their areas – again under the Growth and Infrastructure Act, 2013; and
  • Securing a 25% share of the Community Infrastructure Levy for local councils with a Neighbourhood Plan, and a 15% share of the Levy for local councils without a Neighbourhood Plan.

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