Thursday 23 July 2015

Public consultation on the 2021 Census

The consultation will remain open until Thursday 27 August.

Determining the content of the 2021 Census will be a complex process, and we appreciate that this consultation is asking for a lot of detailed information to feed into that. To help, please:

1.   Read through all the questions ahead of completing the questionnaire

2.  Only complete the questionnaire for the topics that interest you

3.  Answer the tick box questions and support your answer in the write in boxes (and tell us about the uses you make of the data - what functions it lets you carry out). The bullet points underneath the main question are pointers to help your provide the information we need, you do not have to answer these specifically if they aren't relevant to you.

4.  Use the "Save your response and return later" option if you want multiple persons to fill in one consultation, or simply wish to complete the consultation in more than one sitting.  When you save the response, you are emailed a link (unique return code) that will allow yourself or another member of your team to gain access.    

More information on the consultation is available from the ONS webpage:
You will also find here the consultation document and a response template.  In the event that an online reply does not suit your requirements, these will enable you to provide a paper submission.    

Low carbon neighbourhood planning

The Centre for Sustainable Energy is running a two-year project, giving support to neighbourhood planning groups who are keen to integrate climate change and fuel poverty objectives into their neighbourhood plans.

They have already starting working with groups, providing both light-touch and in-depth support. They can offer light-touch support to many groups, and have resource to provide in-depth support to ten groups. The in-depth support  offered will be different for each group, but could include:
  • Attendance at committee meetings
  • Support with the delivery of public events/consultations
  • Research for developing an evidence base
  • Support with drafting policy
More information here

Financial Services Compensation Scheme to cover deposits of small local authorities

Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) to cover deposits of small local authorities

From 3rd July 2015 the UK Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) will cover the deposits of small local authorities. The definition of small local authority being one that has an annual budget of less than €500,000 (currently £355,700 as it is based on the exchange rate on 3rd July each year). This will extend cover to over 8,000 parish and community councils.

The UK FSCS will cover the first £75,000 of eligible deposits, a reduction from the previous figure of £85,000. The previous limit will remain in force for individuals and small companies until 31st December 2015, but the new rate will apply immediately for councils
The FSCS ensure that eligible bank depositors have access to their eligible deposits within fifteen business days of receipt of a request from the depositor which contains sufficient information to enable the FSCS to make a payment. The formal announcement of the change can be found on the Bank of England’s website.

NALC Financial briefing note F05-15 is in the Members Area of the NALC website, your clerk has the username and password to access that area.

Thursday 16 July 2015

Financial Services Compensation Scheme

NALC has issued a Financial Briefing (F05-15) on changes to the Financial Services Compensation Scheme

The FSC has been extended to small local authorities (SLA's) which are defined as local authorities with "an annual budget of upto 500,000 Euros".

The regulations do not specify whether the term "Budget" refers to income or expenditure. NALC Financial Adviser, Derek Kemp suggests the only prudent course is to assume that both income and expenditure need to be under the 500,000 Euros threshold.

Unhelpfully the threshold is quoted in Euros with a reference to the exchange rate on 3rd July. By my calculation 500,000 Euros = £356,550 on that date.

Under the scheme small local authorities are protected for deposits up to £85,000 (reducing to £75,000 from 1st January 2016) with any UK bank, building society and credit union and some other overseas firms and UK branches of European Economic Area crdeit institutions.

Banks will ask councils for their confirmation of their status as an SLA which will probably take the form of confirmation that the budget is under 500,000 Euros.

Friday 3 July 2015

Revision to LTN 73 on Community Governance Reviews

Legal Topic Note 73 (Community Governance Reviews (England)) has been revised to include changes made to community governance reviews by the Legislative Reform (Community Governance Reviews) Order 2015.  The 2015 Order:

  •   reduces the number of signatures required for a valid community governance petitions (see paragraph 10)
  •    introduces a community governance application (see paragraph 12)
  •    reduces the time for completing a CGR (see paragraph17)

The document is located in the NALC website Members Area. Member Councils have a log in to access this.

Web Sites for Parish Councils - Transparency Code

Does your parish council website allow you to control the information which goes on it or are you dependent on a webmaster/company to do your updates?. Are you ready (if you are a small parish council under £25,000 ) to conform with the information requirements of the Transparency Code?

BALC does not endorse any provider of any service; however, we have had HugoFox brought to our attention and have heard good reports of them. They are providing websites free for parish councils - you do have to build it but they do seem to have parish councils in the forefront of their thinking.... this is some of their blurb.....

They have put together a brand new guide on how to create a Parish Council website with HugoFox. "The guide has been specifically designed with Parish Councils in mind to make the process of creating a website even easier, especially for those members who have never had their own website before.

Our detailed guide suggests pages that members might like to create and then takes you through how to do this step by step. We have even included examples from other Parish Council websites on HugoFox so you can see how to make the most of your new website. From creating pages on councillors, meetings, and minutes to adding news articles, listing local events, and advertising job and volunteer opportunities, we have covered all areas to ensure our members have all the tools they need to create a professional website quickly and easily.

The guide also contains a section detailing what information should be published on a Parish Council website in light of the new transparency regulations. We hope that this will help smaller Parish Councils ensure they are following the transparency code for smaller authorities by making their information easily accessible and available to everyone. 

You can view our guide on how to create a Parish Council website here."